
It’s always great if our customers help us give back to the BizTalk community. We monitor and contribute to the Microsoft BizTalk Adapters Forum, so if you have a development problem you are trying to solve with EventADAPTER please post there and allow others to share your solutions.

You can always drop us a line with feedback on our Contact page. But please note the product is donated to the BizTalk community as-is and we do not offer free support.

If you are using EventADAPTER in a production solution and need a support arrangement for your client’s peace of mind, or you want a customization (or even a whole different custom adapter built) please get in touch via our Contact page.


EventADAPTER for BizTalk 2020 is FREE!

Use it to learn about BizTalk and to make your integrations Event Log aware.

What does it do? The adapter pulls a message into your receive location whenever a certain Event Log entry happens in your on-premises environment.

Equate IT Consulting is grateful to be able to donate this adapter to the BizTalk community funded by the success of ActiveADAPTER